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Animal Art Exhibition
November 9 - December 15, 2023
Notable artists throughout history as well as the earliest evolved homo-sapiens have depicted animals in art for centuries. Our interactions with them are inevitable. There are various forms of beauty in animals from their forms and patterns to the relationships we carry with them either with danger or companionship.
We learn from animals more than we think, and they help us expand and experience empathy as well as inspire us to technological innovation. We may often see ourselves in animals through modern internet memes as each type of animal has relatable characteristics and moods to us as people. For centuries, animals have been used by many if not all cultures to represent spirits, symbolism, power, and so on. They are precious, sacred, need protection and respect.
Casey Ailes
Lindsey Bishop
Henry Caserotti
Nicholas Chamberlainn
AnnaLisa Gosar
Gretchen V. Hansen
Elisha Harteis
Yuliya Helgesen-Thompson
Leslie Horton
Kirsty Innis
Steve Jensen
TyResha Jones-Smith
Lisa Kurt
Janice Lyons
Tom McIntire
James Wallace Repton
Hee Seo
David Orrin Smith
Elvina Taylor
James Tilley
Randall Vemer
NL Walsh
Ryan Weimer
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